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Our School has been ranked 37th position among all the CBSE Schools in the country as per the “Educational World School Academic Rankings 2016”.

Welcome to The Forbes Academy

The Forbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum. Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development. Read More The Forbes Pre-School Admission Application forms for admission to LKG are issued in January of each year. These forms should be properly filled in and registered before the due date. Incomplete applications will be rejected. No admission is complete until the transfer certificate from the previous school is produced, countersigned by the appropriate Education Officer of the district. Read More kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh kingstonhigh Read More Forbes Academy school Application forms for admission to LKG are issued in January of each year. These forms should be properly filled in and registered before the due date. Incomplete applications will be rejected. No admission is complete until the transfer certificate from the previous school is produced, countersigned by the appropriate Education Officer of the district. View Gallery

Admissions for 2020-2021


Age Criteria (As on May 31st)
    • LKG – 3.6 years to 4.6 years
    • UKG – 4.6 years to 5.6 years
    • Grade 1 – 5.6 years to 6.6 years


    • Parents must collect the School Prospectus and Application Form paying the registration fee. The same can be downloaded from the school website. The form then must be duly filled and submitted in the office by the date specified. A meeting will then be scheduled with the Principal.
    • Results will be announced. NOTE: For admission into Nursery LKG UKG and Grade 1, there will be an informal interaction with the child. For Grades 2 to 6 a written test in English, Mathematics and II language will be conducted.
  • Documents required:
    • A Copy of the Birth Certificate
    • Original Transfer Certificate
    • A Copy of the Previous Class Report Card
    • A Copy of the Immunization Record
    • A Fitness/Medical Certificate [Incomplete forms will not be considered for admission]
ENQUIRY Click Here DOWNLOAD APPLICATION Click Here Testimonials gallery Forbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.


gallery Forbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Rekha Prakash

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Johnson Oonnuny

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Ashley Christy

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Maria Ashwin

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.


galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Subramaniam Ramaswamy

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Sunil Thomas

galleryForbes Academy strives to make an effective learning system in order to prepare the students for the current era and to create an effective schooling system by making students aware about their role in the society with help of a finely meshed curriculum.Our experienced and dedicated staff has expertise on creative teaching and audio-Visual method of teaching, giving individual attention to all the children for their all round development.

Rajeev Mohanty